

Thank you

Thank you for being a valued member/supporter

ICC Research and extension activities are designed to provide members with the latest information about profitable, sustainable irrigated cropping systems.
Memberships provide many benefits including:  

ICC membership is a fully web based and electronic system that allows more flexibility and easier access to all the latest research results, news and events. 

To make memberships easier, our online payment system is design to take the hassle out of staying up to date.  When you sign up, it will automatically subscribe you to ICC, which means each year on the same date your membership will be renewed and paid with the card you selected. You will be automatically on a 12 month rolling membership and the fee will remain $50 unless you are notified otherwise.

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Renew your membership below

To get access to the new site, all you need to do is renew your membership using the button below and fill out our payment form and then you will be redirected to our membership application.

The price is still only $50 inc GST per annum and once you have signed up, you can cancel your subscription at any time on the account management page.

Are you an existing member looking for a manual payment option? You can make a formal request for manual payment

or email